

Help Us Continue #FeedingMcDowell and Fueling Growth at The Hub

Your support plays a crucial role in our community. Together, we empower farmers, families, and those most in need, strengthening the fabric of our community and local food system.

Your donation to the Foothills Food Hub directly enhances our local food systems. By purchasing farmer food, we can nourish more local folks with fresh, locally grown produce. Your support not only feeds our neighbors but also creates opportunities for sustainable agriculture and economic growth.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate Today: Every contribution enables us to buy more farmer food and feed more local folks with nutritious, locally sourced produce.

  • Spread the Word: Share our mission with friends and family, amplifying our impact and fostering community support.

Together, let’s continue to nurture our community and cultivate a future where everyone has access to wholesome food and opportunities to thrive.
